Wednesday, September 23, 2009

RIT/YIT Electrical Engineering Alumni Saya Puzawpwe 2009, Yangon, Myanmar

Dear Brothers, Sisters & Friends,

Important Note:
RIT/YIT refers to all "Set-Hmu Tekkatho" under various names (RIT, YIT, MIT, YTU, MTU, xTU, etc.) and EE refers to all EE and related majors (EP, EC, Electronic, etc.)

We would like to share a great news that our EE alumni (Myanmar) is organizing EE Saya Puzawpwe 2009 ("EE-SP-2009") event which will be held on 15-Nov-2009 (Sunday) in Yangon, Myanmar. This is a rare opportunity for all EE alumni everywhere to show our deep respect and gratitude for our Sayas, in appreciation of all the teaching, coaching and guidance they have given us.

You are therefore warmly invited to participate in this event - by contributing your physical, moral and/or financial support.

Detailed Program is as below.

Date: 15-Nov-2009 (Sunday)
Time: 08:30am to 12:00pm
Venue: MICT Park (Functional Hall), Yangon, Myanmar.

Here are the main Committee members/volunteers in Myanmar for organizing and fund-raising for EE-SP-2009:

1. Ko Myo Swe (EC-80) +959 6463287
2. Ko Aung Naing Myint (EC-81) +959 9030253
3. Ma L Khuntaung (EC-84) +959 5135365
4. Ko Myo Naing (EC-86) +959 5012601
5. Ma Thida Aye (EC-86) +951 514977
6. Ma Khin Sandar Tun (EC-91) +959 5000735
7. Ko Min Tun (EP-95) +959 59121154
8. Ko Aye Min Hlaing (EC-95) +959 5171517

Here are the volunteer representatives in Singapore to assist the main Committee (Myanmar).

1. Ko Aung Lin "Thiri Mon" (EC-85) +65 93820995
2. Ko Pye Nyunt (EC-86) +65 96884316
3. Ko Nyi Nyi Win (EC-91) +65 96633035
4. Ma Myo Myat Thi (EC-92) +65 90284990
5. Ma Soi Lang Khaing (EC-93) +65 98519030
6. Ma Myint Myint Mon (EC-93) +65 90626784
7. Ma Myo Sandar Khin (EC -94) +65 91458384
8. Ma Meme Thant Zin (EC -94) +65 96453833
9. Ma Khine Khine Win (EC-95, 1st Batch) +65 91183646
10. Ma Kyawt Kyawt Khaing (EC-95, 2nd Batch) +65 98446120
11. Ko Sanyu Hlaing (EP-98) +65 98463577
12. Ma Hla Nu Phyu (EP-98) +65 93669150
13. Ma Pyu Myint Wai (EC-2000) +65 90259951
14. Ko Kyaw Zwa (EC-96) +65 94579409

Please contact any of the above representatives at the earliest, to make a contribution and/or to obtain more information.

For Yangon alumni, the deadline to collect the funds and receipt books is 25-Oct-2009. For overseas, the deadline is one week earlier (18-Oct-2009) since we have a plan to make record book with contributors' photos. So, if possible, all the contributors' passport size photos (hard or soft) are needed.

Thank you very much.

Organizing Committee Members
(Yangon and Singapore)

Saya List (Electrical Engineering)

1. Dr Ba Lwin (Electrical Power Engineering)

2. U Myo Kyi (Electronic Engineering)

3. U Kyaw Lwin (Electronic Engineering)

4. U Tin Maung Thein (Electronic Engineering)

5. U Sein Maung (Electrical Power Engineering)

6. U Ba Myint (Electrical Power Engineering)

7. U Tin Shwe (Electrical Power Engineering)

8. U Khaing Oo (Electronic Engineering)

9. Daw Mya Mya Than (Electrical Power Engineering)

10. Daw Khin Aye Win (Electrical Power Engineering)

11. U Thein Dan (Electrical Power Engineering)

12. U Clement Saldhana (Electronic Engineering)

13. U Than Lwin (Electronic Engineering)

14. Daw Than Than Win (Electrical Power Engineering)

15. U Khin Soe (Electronic Engineering)

16. U Tin Win (Electrical Power Engineering)

17. U Moe Aung (Electrical Power Engineering)

18. U Myint Oo (Electronic Engineering)

19. U Aung Than (Electrical Power Engineering)

20. Dr. Win Tin (Electronic Engineering)

21. Daw Khin Ma Ma Soe (Electrical Power Engineering)

22. Daw Khin Swe Oo (Electronic Engineering)

23. Daw Khin Tint (Electrical Power Engineering)

24. U Win Khaing Moe (Electronic Engineering)

Saya List (Others)

1. U Thet Lwin (Registrar)

2. U. S Arya (Mechanical Engineering)

3. U Thein Htun Aung (Mechanical Engineering)

4. U Lin (Mechanical Engineering)

5. U Pe Win (Metallurgical Engineering)

6. Dr Thaung Myint (Mathematics)

7. Daw Myint Myint Khine (Mathematics)

8. U Hla Myint (Mathematics)

9. U Myint Oo Thar (Mathematics)

10 . Daw Amar Kyi (Mathematics)

11. U Thein Myint (Mathematics)

12. Daw Si Si Soe (Mathematics)

13. U Kyaw Win (Mathematics)

14. U Chit Yin (PS)

15. U Tha Din (PS)

16. Daw Tin Htay Mu (PS)

17. U Tha Hlaing (Physics)

18. Dr Daw Thaung Khin (Chemistry)

19. U Tin Maung Oo (Mechanical Engineering)

20. U Maung Oo (Mechanical Engineering)

21. U Kyin Swe (Mechanical Engineering)

22. Daw Khin Win Yee (English)

23. Daw Mya Win (Mathematics)

24. Daw Doreen Thaung (English)

25. U Hlwan Mo (Physics)

26. Daw Khin Khin Aye (Myanmar)

Contributors List (Singapore)

Contributors List will be consolidated and updated later on.

Thank you.

Advertisement in Newspaper (Myanmar)

(Click the image for a clear enlarged view.)

(Click the image for a clear enlarged view.)